Whilst we are able to offer a wide range of restorative dental treatments at the Lighthouse Dental Practice in Ipswich, we would rather be in a position where these were not necessary.
While dental damage may always occur through accidents and unavoidable circumstances, many problems are relatively easily prevented with just a little care.
Please take a few minutes to read our blog and check if you are following these guidelines. It may make all the difference between having healthy teeth and gums and those requiring dental treatment!
Clean your teeth
This is the most obvious thing that you can do to keep your teeth in good condition. It should be done twice daily and especially before bedtime in order to remove sugars and excess bacteria that would otherwise cause damage whilst you sleep. Remember too, that any drinks after you clean your teeth before bedtime should be water only.
You should check that your brush is no more than three months old and replace it if it is. Also, make sure that you are using a fluoride toothpaste of the right strength as this will help to strengthen the enamel of your teeth. Brushing should be done gently in a circular motion, and there is no need to press hard when brushing – indeed, it is likely to damage the enamel if you do.
Don’t forget the dental floss
If you don’t already use dental floss, you should add this to your daily routine. Providing that you use it correctly (something which can be demonstrated by our Ipswich dental hygienist), it is an excellent way of removing food debris and deposits from between the teeth, an area where many problems such as decay and gum disease originate.
Reduce sugar consumption
Sugar is hidden in many foods that we eat, including many savoury ones. Whilst it may be very difficult to eliminate sugar entirely, we can reduce our consumption by not adding it to foods and drinks. Sugars that stay in our mouths, such as boiled sweets, should be avoided as should sugary carbonated drinks. These are thought to be a leading cause for the rise in dental decay in children especially.
Your teeth are for eating food
Please remember, your teeth are for chewing and grinding your food (as well as providing an attractive smile). They are not for ripping open packets, or, even worse, for opening bottles. Despite the obvious fact that this is highly irresponsible, it is surprising how many people do this, often resulting in broken teeth and also possibly injuries to the lips and gums. We strongly advise our patients not to do this! Or expect to come and see us for some potentially expensive repair work.
Dental checks
No one, however well they take care of their teeth, should believe that they do not need to see a dentist. Minor cracks or fractures that can occur, often without the person knowing, can usually be restored with relative ease. Leaving them too long may well lead to more serious problems that may even result in the need for a tooth extraction.
So please make sure to see a dentist at the Lighthouse Dental Practice in Ipswich at least every six months. We can be contacted by calling us on 01473 257379.
We are here to help you.
If you would like to speak to a member of our friendly team about any of the issues in this article please visit our contact page or call us on 01473 257379.